Thursday, March 31, 2005

a penny fir yor thouights

tryung to type without yoiur right index fignter sux, so as stated in joe's blog i had a bit of an accident last night which landed me in the 'ER' no not the tv shiw... is it even still on? anywho had a little accident and now for the next couplt weeks i look like i'm permanently saying "We're #1!!~!"

shall inform more as the funger heaks.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

wow its almost a routine

So this is my second post. Man I've been so stressed out lately. I hate my job and everything else just doesn't seem to be going right. But I gotta say, as a "winter-baby" I can't wait for it to warm up to like the 60 degree range.

Other than that, the search for a new job still continues. If you have any good headhunters or possible positions than feel free to drop a line and let me know about it.

I'm gonna keep these short for now until I have more to write about.

Oh my buddy got a new PowerBook, and its the 2nd love of his life...

Been craving ColdStones.

Jamba opened up on 52st and Lexington... ~sweet!!!~ gonna hit them up pretty soon.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

1st Posting...

Ok, so I'm a tard... the truest of tards. Kinda like my friends. I created a blog about 2 months ago, but I forgot my user name, display name, and the password. So here I am again giving this another go at it.

Let's see how long this will last.